Basic Usage

Map Instantiation

Using simpsom is easy, after loading the library initialize a network object.

import simpsom as sps

net = sps.SOMNet(20, 20, data, topology='hexagonal',
                init='PCA', metric='cosine',
                neighborhood_fun='gaussian', PBC=True,
                random_seed=32, GPU=False, CUML=False,

First, you need to provide length and height of your network, in this case we will build a 20x20 grid. Your input data matrix must be in a np.ndarray-compatible format.

Two tiling topologies are available in simpsom, a square grid or and hexagonal grid. The network nodes will be initialized either randomly with init=’random’ (the default choice), or by sampling from the space spanned by the first two principal components with ‘PCA’. Since the initialization is stochastic the random_seed can be set.

metric expects a distance metric to evaluate the closest matching unit during training or inference. Make sure to select a metric that is appropriate for your starting dimensionality and dataset. neighborhood_fun allows you to choose a neighborhood selection function for training. Currently, ‘gaussian’, ‘mexican_hat’ and ‘bubble’ are available.

Periodic Boundary Conditions can be activated with the PBC flag .

Finally, GPU and CUML can be activated if CuPy and CuML are available on your system to run training and clustering on GPU respectively.

Files will be saved in the provided output_path

See the API for details on these and more available options.


The network can be trained with the train function. Two train_algo training algorithms are available: ‘online’ and ‘batch’.

net.train(train_algo='batch', start_learning_rate=0.01, epochs=-1,

The starting learning rate (start_learning_rate), and the number of epochs can be customized. Note: Beware that by design, one epoch in ‘online’ training corresponds to a single point being looked at to the map, while in ‘batch’ training, the whole dataset will be seen at each epoch. simpsom will automatically select the best number of epochs if the epochs parameter is not provided or set to -1. 10x the number of samples in ‘online’ training and 10 epochs in ‘batch’ training.

Automatically stopping the training at convergence is possible with the early_stop flag, but this functionality is still a work in progress. Activate it only if you are sure of what you are doing.

Once the map has been trained, you can save its weights with save.


A saved map file can be then loaded into a new net object by providing its path with the load_file flag during initialization.

Analyzing the Results

Node weights can be accessed by the weights attribute from each SOMNode object, their position with pos. The nodes can be listed with node_list. To recover the positions and weights of all nodes for example

all_positions = [[node.pos[0], node.pos[1]] for node in self.nodes_list]
all_weights = [node.weights[feature] for node in self.nodes_list]

The project_onto_map method allows you to project data points onto a 2D-trained map.

projected_data = net.project_onto_map(data)


simpsom comes with several plotting functionalities that allow you to inspect the results of the training.

net.plot_map_by_difference(show=True, print_out=True)

plot_map_by_difference allows you to visualize the trained map coloring each node by the average weights difference from its neighbors. Useful to identify map boundaries. The map can be saved to a file by providing a path and filename to print_out, while the show flag is needed for interactive visualization.

plot_map_by_difference will automatically calculate the nodes’ differences and save them to the difference attribute within each SOMNode object by calling the net.self.get_nodes_difference() method under the hood.

The map can also be plotted by coloring nodes by a specific feature, by providing its index with plot_map_by_feature.

_ = net.plot_map_by_feature(feature=100, show=True, print_out=True)

Datapoints (old or new) can be projected onto the map and visualized as a scatterplot with the project_onto_map and plot_projecte_points functions.

projected_data = net.project_onto_map(data)
net.plot_projected_points(projected_data, color_val=[n.difference for n in net.nodes_list],
        project=False, jitter=False,
        show=True, print_out=False)

The points can be projected on the fly without having to run project_onto_map before plotting by activating the project flag. color_val allows you to pass color values for the nodes in case you want to compare the projection with a specific weight value from the nodes. jitter lets you add random jitter to avoid overlapping points.

If early stopping was activated (not recommended) a convergence plot can be produced with plot_convergence.

net.plot_convergence(fsize=(5, 5), logax=False)


Clustering is one of the many uses of SOM. Once the points are projected onto the 2-dimensional SOM, they can be used with any clustering algorithm. simpsom provides a wrapper function to directly run a clustering identification analysis on the projected points.

labs, points = net.cluster(data, algorithm='KMeans', n_clusters=10)

Any scikit-learn or CuML algorithm can be employed, the name must be passed with algorithm and any further argument required by the algorithm (e.g. n_clusters for ‘KMeans’) can also be passed. By default the function will assume the data has been provided in its original dimensionality, but pre-projected data points can be also provided by deactivating the project flag.

Note: for clustering algorithms that require a distance metric to be passed, it is recommended you make sure to provide a PBC-compatible metric if PBC were activated during training.

For example, this can be done through partial and by exploiting the pbc-compatible distance wrapper provided with the chosen topology (net.polygons.distance_pbc) as in the following example.

labs, points = net.cluster(data, algorithm='DBSCAN', metric=partial(net.polygons.distance_pbc,
                                                            net_shape=(net.width, net.height),
                                                            distance_func=lambda x, y: net.xp.sqrt(net.xp.sum(net.xp.square(x-y))),
                                                            xp=net.xp), eps=.1)